
Showing posts from November, 2020

Pre-field, Same Mission

  "Emergency!" came a cry from outside my bedroom. With multiple possibilities of mishap running through my nurse brain, I opened the door to my mother. She handed me our slightly sudsy foster baby who had just sabotaged her bathwater.  The little rascal looked quite pleased with herself as I carried her in search of a towel and my mom made a second attempt at drawing the bath water. This is not an uncommon scene in our household these days, (or ever, really. As with every other family, a dull moment rarely exists). Yet it does make me ponder these months leading up to returning to Togo. Earlier this month I went to a training session at ABWE, the missions agency that is partnering with my church in sending me to Togo. There, the agency approved me as an ABWE missionary.  During the training, we discussed the pre-field period, which is the time leading up to the missionary's departure to their ministry destination.  While this time involves countless details, emails, phon
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Hope Bible Church
9112 Guilford Road
Columbia, MD 21046

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ABWE International
PO Box 8585
Harrisburg, PA 17104

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