
Showing posts from December, 2021

À Bientôt

"He who  testifies to these things says,  “Yes, I am coming quickly.”  Amen.  Come, Lord Jesus." Revelation 22:20      À Bientôt! (see you soon), I called as I left her room, eager for our next meeting.  My visit to a few church members at the assisted living facility near my house turned into an evening that pulled at my heart. Oh, how I wish that I had gone earlier in the afternoon to spend more time with such dear brothers and sisters in Christ! M, to whom I had made a promise to try and visit again shortly, had welcomed me in even though I did not know her until I knocked on her door and told her I was from her church.  She let me know early on that she had a difficult time hearing and seeing, so our visit consisted of me talking loudly and slowly in French while writing short phrases for her to be able to peer through her glasses and magnifying glass, understand, and reply. In the middle of our brief visit, she took my hands and asked if she could pray for me and my mini
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