
Showing posts from April, 2022

Talking to Yourself Again?

Talking to myself is something I do quite frequently, and I am certain that I am not alone in this practice. Urging my feet to move faster when I was about to miss the train or bus in Switzerland, giving myself a pep-talk (and praying) before initiating a conversation with a stranger on the plane ride home, admonishing myself yet again for making another French grammatical error...these are just a few of the numerous examples of thoughts addressed to my mind. Self-talk can be quite dangerous if void of the proper content and purpose, and I have found this out the hard way many times! Yet, filled with God's Word in a way that leads to trust and praise of Him, a conversation in the mind can be quite beneficial! Thus, as a couple of weeks lie between the present and my arrival in Togo, and when my self-talk can jump between " Ahhh I'm excited!" and "Ahhh what am I doing?! , here are some verses that come to mind and help direct my thoughts and my heart.   "For
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