Talking to Yourself Again?

Talking to myself is something I do quite frequently, and I am certain that I am not alone in this practice. Urging my feet to move faster when I was about to miss the train or bus in Switzerland, giving myself a pep-talk (and praying) before initiating a conversation with a stranger on the plane ride home, admonishing myself yet again for making another French grammatical error...these are just a few of the numerous examples of thoughts addressed to my mind. Self-talk can be quite dangerous if void of the proper content and purpose, and I have found this out the hard way many times! Yet, filled with God's Word in a way that leads to trust and praise of Him, a conversation in the mind can be quite beneficial! Thus, as a couple of weeks lie between the present and my arrival in Togo, and when my self-talk can jump between "Ahhh I'm excited!" and "Ahhh what am I doing?!, here are some verses that come to mind and help direct my thoughts and my heart.  

"For 'everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.' How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, 'How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!'"- Romans 10:13-15

"Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation and my God. Psalm 42:11

When I think about the goodness and strength of our God, His call to share the Gospel, and the people whom we are to love, the transitions ahead don't seem quite as overwhelming, even though the challenges still exist. I am grateful for this one of many kindnesses of the Lord, to provide His Word that speaks of salvation, transforms lives, and directs the flimsy thoughts of my heart. What a precious gift. 
My host family Elisabeth and Didier-they are an incredible blessing!
Cello practice for Easter with an adorable audience! These are a few of my host family's grandkids

The last weeks in Switzerland were a treat. Just a couple of highlights included a poetry evening with a couple of classmates and one of our teachers, reading John 20-21 by lake Neuchatel at the sunrise service for Easter, and an open-house goodbye party where sweet "see you laters" were said before my departure. 
The picture doesn't do it justice, but this is a glimpse of the sunrise Easter morning

As for my French, it is coming along! There will forever be more to learn, but we have reached the point of being able to discuss abstract concepts and feel comfortable enough in conversation. Getting to go to church, the kid's Sunday school, small group, and prayer meetings in French has been a huge blessing, and I am forever grateful for the gift of connecting with other believers in Switzerland who provided such a sweet example of hospitality. Don't get me wrong, mistakes still abound and sometimes my French brain doesn't want to "turn on"! But, as our teacher encouraged us, we are at the point of being understood, even if we don't always say something in the most grammatically correct fashion. If that means I get to make people giggle with my French for the foreseeable future while being understood, I'm ok with that. :D  It will be a blessing to keep improving and adjusting to the language differences that exist in Togo! 

Our crêpe and poetry party- such a sweet afternoon of sharing!

Here are a few prayer requests as the time nears for my arrival there.
  • Praise the Lord with me for the relationships built in Switzerland! Continue to pray for those in Neuchâtel who don't yet know Christ as Savior, including some of my language teachers
  • As you can imagine, things have changed in Mango, Togo since I was last there over two years ago; please pray for a constant attitude of humility, an ear tuned to how to serve with the team there, and a reliance on God's grace 
  • Praise the Lord for individuals in Togo with whom I will soon get to reconnect; pray for deepened existing relationships and for new ones that are God-honoring
  • Please continue to pray for the hearts of those who follow Islam in Togo, as the month of Ramadan nears its end, that God would draw them to Himself 
  • Pray for the team at the Hospital of Hope and for those coming for care, particularly as malaria season comes!
  • Please pray for the transition back into nursing after a break from it during language school!
  • Pray for the last couple of weeks here in the States with final details and "see you laters."
Merci infiniment pour vos prières! À Dieu soit toute la gloire!
(Thank you so much for your prayers! To God be all the glory!)
~Theresa G. 


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