
Showing posts from June, 2022

With Your Feet

       Yes, we are going to talk about feet this go ‘round. In case you were wondering, mine at present are sweaty, stinky, decorated with the occasional mosquito bite, and have reddish Togo dirt on them. Go ahead and look at yours and consider what you do with them. With mine, I pick things up when my hands are full, squash bugs, race kiddos, pedal a bicycle or shift gears, and, most often, make dusty or muddy footprints through my house. Feet are fabulous.      There is an Anufo saying that mentions this wonderful part of the body. “Ajari sa lamoya su.” Basically, it means that it is the feet that reunite or connect the family. If you say that you have family in town but never go to visit them and they never come to you, that’s not really a relationship. The same goes with friends. Friends are made with your feet. I met the twins inside the hospital and have gotten to visit them in their home since. Josias in green didn't seem to want his photo taken as much as Joanice. The secon
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