With Your Feet

     Yes, we are going to talk about feet this go ‘round. In case you were wondering, mine at present are sweaty, stinky, decorated with the occasional mosquito bite, and have reddish Togo dirt on them. Go ahead and look at yours and consider what you do with them. With mine, I pick things up when my hands are full, squash bugs, race kiddos, pedal a bicycle or shift gears, and, most often, make dusty or muddy footprints through my house. Feet are fabulous.

    There is an Anufo saying that mentions this wonderful part of the body. “Ajari sa lamoya su.” Basically, it means that it is the feet that reunite or connect the family. If you say that you have family in town but never go to visit them and they never come to you, that’s not really a relationship. The same goes with friends. Friends are made with your feet.

I met the twins inside the hospital and have gotten to visit them in their home since. Josias in green didn't seem to want his photo taken as much as Joanice. The second photo is Joanice with one of his 4 older siblings in the background. Total cuteness!

    Making friends can be awkward and takes a lot of time on both sides.  The other day I visited the family of former patients of mine who are twin baby boys. I called their mom R to ask where we could meet since I had no idea where they lived in town and google maps doesn’t exactly work here. There are no house addresses! So, we agreed to meet at the hospital. I got there as scheduled and called her to let her know I had arrived. “J’arrive!” (I’m coming!) was the reply. However, “j’arrive” basically means “I am in the process of coming and will get there eventually,” spanning anywhere from a couple minutes to...well, a while. I settled down in the shade with a book (a very helpful thing to have here, as waiting is inevitable) until she came. After a couple more phone calls to find each other since we didn’t establish exactly where at the hospital we would meet, we found each other and were off to her house, with me trying to memorize the route to find it alone the next time. Drinks were shared from host to guest, baby presents were delivered, babies were cuddled, and plenty of both laughter and awkward silence filled the room.  But the time was so meaningful for both of us, and having gone back since, I am excited to continue the friendship.  Making friends is always an unknown adventure. But it is so important in this culture and the process is rewarding. Yet more than that, it is an avenue to share the truth of Jesus and to learn a ton! Will you pray with me that as relationships are made with feet here, that the mouth would be sharing what is true and that the whole person would be demonstrating the character of Christ?  Please know that I am praying with you toward that end alongside each of you, that as the time of Christ’s return draws ever nearer, that we would be busy with our feet and with our mouths. 

Me and my roommate Amanda near our house, which overlooks a valley. Amanda is the teacher for the missionary kids here. Please pray for a restful summer for her and the school year in the fall! Also pray for more school teachers to come and help!

    Praise the Lord for a sweet roommate and a house to live in. Please pray we would use our home with hospitality as God provides opportunities

    Praise the Lord for work at the hospital and for the team of both short and long-term workers, as well as for the ability to communicate more in French this time and resulting opportunities to develop and deepen relationships. Pray for wisdom on this end

    Please pray for the missionary families going on furlough this summer, that their time in the states would be fruitful and refreshing. Pray for stamina and unity for those who are here on the field!

    Praise the Lord for the joy of visiting neighbors, acquaintances, and friends on my days off work. Pray for an opportunity I may have to start teaching Bible lessons in one of their homes, for clarity in teaching and intentionality in lesson preparation. Pray that God would use His word mightily

    Please pray for our neighbors and friends as malaria season comes. It will be my first time experiencing this season first-hand. This disease can hit children especially hard, so please pray for their protection and for those who will come seeking care.

    Pray for the upcoming Muslim holiday of Tabaski, or Eid-al-Adha, next month, which commemorates Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son Ishmael. Pray for our conversations with our Muslim friends and for wisdom and truth to abound.
This may be a mundane photo, but it still tickles me that usually traffic on the road equates to this, depending on what time of day it is or where I am. They are some stubborn animals to share the road with too!

Thank you all! To God be the glory!


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