He’s Gonna Make this Place Our Home

"And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen His glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth." - John 1:14

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and Happy Valentines Day!  Disclaimer: this update was written about a month ago but was missing a couple pictures and edits so it never went out. So much has happened since then that necessitates another update which will hopefully soon be chasing this one! 

I pray the past holiday season was filled with worship-filled moments with the Lord and sweet times beside loved ones. Did you do any window shopping during the holidays? Fun-fact: in French, the phrase “window shopping” literally translates to “window licking!” This is one of my favorite activities whenever I’m walking through a new town or city, particularly during Christmas time. It is fun to gain a glimpse of what the shop offers and formulate an idea of its nature, especially if you don’t have the time or ability to go inside. For this update, I thought we could do some window-licking of our own, not of shops, but of various homes of my friends here as God continues to make Mango, Togo my home away from home.

This is one of the first times I saw R (in the background standing) smiling this widely. For a kid who once cried whenever he moved, to see him now standing and walking is amazing! His mom shared that he loves listening to the audio Bible he received.

    An hour long, dusty drive brings you to a peaceful view of cotton fields in the village where R lives. There he sits, perched under a shady tree, watching our approach. We sit with him, receive the water graciously offered to us by his mom, and exchange the usual Anufo greetings. R’s family said he used to run all over the fields around his house and even to the next town, but his illnesses had left him with much pain and instability when moving. Our last visit however, R was happier than in the past, even giggling as we played. His mom said he had been doing his physical therapy exercises my friend had given him. His shady spot becomes the location for another PT session, this time with his siblings and a couple neighbors. We attempt a modified soccer game and the kids blow me away with their kindness to R as they patiently run after the ball and put it in front of him to practice kicking, encouraging him to use his weaker, right leg. They line up at the wall of his home and do toe raises as we exercise and sing to the rhythm of the song “Anshe O, Gneme Anshe!” (Thank you, God, thank You). R’s mom lets us know that he has been listening to the audioBible he had received in Anufo, sharing afterward everything he had learned. A glimpse of R’s home may give you an idea of just some of the hardships they have been through, but oh friends, there is a sweet love and laughter present as well. 

The audio Bible devive has songs on it as well, to which we started dancing. Keep praying for R and his family, for the Word of God to penetrate their hearts and for R's healing process.

 Closer to home, about a 5 minute walk away, is my friend P’s house. I push open the green gate and enter a courtyard. Rarely do I make it through the gate before P’s neighbor kids get to me with a friendly greeting and open arms to carry whatever I have in my hands, regardless of the size. We celebrate New Years Eve and New Year’s together (no, we didn’t make it even close to midnight before going to bed!) The morning of the New Year finds us reading Isaiah 43, singing, praying for the year to come, and dancing. We make such a commotion that P’s neighbors on the other side of the gate come to greet us and to discover the reason for all the noise! If you go window licking at P’s house, I’m certain you would see the love and joy of Christ that is there and that feels contagious.

    10 minutes in the opposite direction brings you to my friend S’s house, next to the newly painted mosque. I squeeze my moto in between a workshop and a boutique to park under a tree, as round-faced A and her older sister N run over. As I pick up A and greet N (S’s nieces), the former starts pointing to everything and talking in Anufo. Other kids usually find their way to S’s door whenever I come, and depending on the day S will either shoo them away or let a couple stay as we chat. A usually gets replaced in my arms by S’s baby Kaousar, who remains there for the remainder of our stay unless it’s time for us to eat.  When I was there closer to Christmas, S’s yard filled with her family member kiddos as we talked about why Christians celebrate Christmas. News always spreads faster than I imagine in Mango, and more and more kids kept coming. When I had to leave, the kids were still coloring, so I left poor S with a yard full of kiddos, paper, and colored pencils. She said not to worry and that she’d return the pencils later. With my friend’s commanding personality, I had no fears that all would be well.
What is cuter than a baby in a basket? If you were to go window-licking in my home a couple months ago, this is what you would find as my friend S came over with her daughter and we worked in the kitchen together.

    These are just a few glimpses of the community in Mango. Unmentioned are the precious friends who let me spend Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with them, family in Christ whose home doubles as our occasional church meeting spot, or my own home, with its quirks, character, and laughter. In no way do these window-shopping moments capture the essence of all that occurs in these homes. I can only share a couple the memories from when I’m there. But I pray it has been helpful to provide a picture of how God in His mercy continues to show beauty as He helps me and others feel at home here. 

    One of the sweetest times this Christmas season was with a couple friends, one of which had been exploring the differences between Islam and Christianity. That afternoon she mentioned the difficulty she had in understanding the Trinity. “How can that happen?!” She asked. Great question!! What a mystery. As we discussed it, my other friend walking us through John 1, we talked about the power of God who is able to do far more beyond what we can imagine and is able to love far beyond what we would think is possible. Jesus, having existed from eternity and coming to earth in such humility is a clear manifestation of such a loving God. He made earth His home so we could one day enter His heavenly one. Incredible. And would you believe that this same friend is now a follower of Jesus?!!! My friend who had been sharing with her in the past and I went to visit her last week and were encouraged by her joy and eagerness to share her new faith with others. May He fill our hearts with praise this year and with boldness to keep speaking truth that seems too wonderful to be true but yet comes from the One too True to be refuted.

Thank you for praying! Here are a few more prayer requests. Please never hesitate to send your news or even a window licking glimpse from your home or community!

To Him be the glory!
-Theresa G.

Praise God for the opportunities that Christmas brings to share about Christ with patients, coworkers, and friends.

Keep praying for S and her family. S herself suggested I come back to show the kids a film depicting the events surrounding Christ’s birth so they’ll understand and remember it better. Pray for the details of this, as we made a plan to try to watch it this week, that I would be sensitive and respectful yet bold in sharing as God gives opportunity. Keep praying that God saves this dear friend of mine, along with her family.

Pray for the New Year with our church. God has been bringing several newcomers, including hospital patients who no longer require inpatient care. Pray for wisdom in how the leaders conduct the services, for the clear preaching of God’s word, and for the process of training others in the church to be leaders. Pray for one of the leader's wives as she visits and encourages the other women in the church.

Praise God for the new Christian H, mentioned above. Her story is incredible! Pray for a church family for her and for boldness as she continues to reach out to others with the Gospel.

Praise the Lord for Friday Bible study and for group that meets together. It is such a sweet time in God’s word and prayer. Pray for the moms who come, as they seek to raise their kids in a way that honors Jesus.

Keep praying for water! Praise the Lord that water at my house is so much better after the plumber made some adjustments with the reserve tank we have. Pray for the town of Mango and surrounding areas, and for the hospital as dry season comes. The team is still trucking in water from the river on a regular basis, although this week has been a lot better!


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