
Showing posts from August, 2020
 Desires of the Heart      Looking at my patient assignment for the weekend, I immediately noticed a familiar name on the list.  I had taken care of him many times last year during his initial treatment for leukemia and he was one of my patients on my first day back to work this year in April.  This time, his cancer had progressed and he was awaiting placement at a hospice facility.  As I walked into his room that morning, his weakened appearance startled me, yet his unchanged love for Jesus made me smile.  J’s knowledge and love for God’s word had encouraged me in times past, and this hospital stay was no different.  We talked the next couple days about the tension he felt between longing to be with Jesus and greatly desiring to continue serving the Lord on earth. J felt at peace with whatever God desired for him, whether it involved going to heaven or sticking around on earth for a while.  The same struggle experienced by Paul in Philippians 1 became a repeated topic of discussion th

And We're Off! On a Journey to Togo

  Hi Friends!     After several months of praying, waiting, and changing plans, I am excited to share that I am on the move back to Togo for 4 years in 2022! Lord willing, after language school preparation (hopefully in early 2022), I will be serving with ABWE at the Hospital of Hope in Mango again, focusing more on the pediatric cancer patients to help manage their care and follow-up.  Some of my favorite memories are with these dear patients, and I'm eager to continue to build relationships with them as I help with their treatment.  The thought of journeying back to Mango, Togo fills my heart with much anticipation. Here are a few reasons why:  The Gospel is beautiful God's plan of salvation will never fail The community in Togo is precious to me     First, the beauty of the Gospel makes me excited to serve in Mango. The fact that God would show His love to people by sending His own Son to live perfectly in our place, suffer the consequences of our sin, and take away the powe
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9112 Guilford Road
Columbia, MD 21046

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PO Box 8585
Harrisburg, PA 17104

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