And We're Off! On a Journey to Togo

 Hi Friends!

    After several months of praying, waiting, and changing plans, I am excited to share that I am on the move back to Togo for 4 years in 2022! Lord willing, after language school preparation (hopefully in early 2022), I will be serving with ABWE at the Hospital of Hope in Mango again, focusing more on the pediatric cancer patients to help manage their care and follow-up.  Some of my favorite memories are with these dear patients, and I'm eager to continue to build relationships with them as I help with their treatment.  The thought of journeying back to Mango, Togo fills my heart with much anticipation. Here are a few reasons why:

  •  The Gospel is beautiful
  • God's plan of salvation will never fail
  • The community in Togo is precious to me

    First, the beauty of the Gospel makes me excited to serve in Mango. The fact that God would show His love to people by sending His own Son to live perfectly in our place, suffer the consequences of our sin, and take away the power of death through His resurrection amazes me. The truth of the Gospel remains life changing for those who have not heard, even as it continues to transform people like me who have lost count of the number of times it has been spoken.  I am excited to join the Mango team as they share this wonderful truth to those who have no hope and to those who need reminders of its importance in their daily lives.

This picture doesn't accurately show my relationship with 
one of my babies, B. She had me wrapped around her finger.

    Secondly, the unstoppable nature of God's salvation plan makes me excited to return to Togo even as I anticipate getting to see Him at work in the year ahead. His plans for glory have brought much encouragement to me as the events of 2020 continue to unfold.  The Lord has comforted me with reminders of His faithfulness to His purpose when another dear oncology patient returns with progressed cancer, pandemic restrictions fluctuate, or prayers for friends to come to know Jesus seem to remain unanswered. I need only to look at God's Word to see His commitment to redemption, even as I think of the countless ways He remains at work today.  Remembering God's faithfulness to His plan is essential for returning to Togo, as many temptations exist to question His purposes there.  Yet, because God's purposes to reveal His greatness never fail, I can be excited to return while continuing to grow in trusting Him as His plan unfolds. God doesn't need anyone to accomplish His will, but He is so kind to allow people to be a part of His story of hope! It will be neat to see how He continues to work  in Togo, and globally.

This fun bunch from a nearby school where my housemates 
led a Bible study is another reason I am excited to return.

    Lastly, God has grown my love for the Togolese people in a way that I cannot ignore. From precious babies to my cancer kiddos, their elders, and my coworkers, those in the Mango community and the surrounding regions have become quite special to me, and I look forward to living and working among them again. There are plenty of hard and frustrating days in the future as we live in a fallen world and delays, cultural differences, and mishaps are a daily (and at times quite amusing) reality.  However, those in Mango hold a special place in my heart and I will continue to head in their direction according to God's timing and plans.

My sweet and spunky friend, N. Her texts and voice messages
continue to brighten my day. I miss her a lot! 

     I can't do this journey alone! If you, your family, or your church would like to jump into this journey with me, have questions, or would like to talk more, I'd love to chat and pray together! My contact info is at the bottom of the page. For those interested in helping to financially support me in this ministry, here is the link to my financial partnership page. Theresa's Support Page Below is a video with some  ways to pray with me in this journey.

Thanks for all your care, concern, and support! I am excited for us to see the Lord's continued work for His glory. Praise God He is faithful to His cause!


  1. So happy to hear about definitive plans to return to Togo. I will pray for you and the community there and will be supporting you, as well. Yay! God is good! Love you!

    1. Oops, I am not sure it showed, but this is Auntie Lisa. :)


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