
  Have you ever pondered the mystery of a memory? How a scent, word, or other stimulus can cause a chain reaction involving both electrical and chemical signals from different parts of your brain to recreate a thought or picture from the past, with emotions attached?  You can try to explain to me the minutia of neuroscience and the pathophysiology of the nervous system until my ears hurt, but in a way, a memory will forever remain one of the many everyday mysteries. 

Memories have been a big part of my life for the past couple weeks, as they may be for many of you. Below are a few "snapshots" that have come to mind in the past couple weeks. The last is my favorite, and even though it is not one I have personally experienced, it adds immeasurable sweetness to the first three.

Snapshot 1: I trembled as Pastor Leake came into my house for my baptism interview. I was around  11, a fairly new believer, and in my hands were pictures I had drawn in hopes of demonstrating to him my understanding of the nature of salvation. Having been around the pastor about 5 years by then with the knowledge of his passion for God’s Word, I figured I had better know what I was talking about with him! He listened patiently as I fumbled through my testimony of coming to know Jesus as Lord, and laid a reassuring hand on my head as he left at the conclusion of our time together. As he did, he let me know that he supported my desire to get baptized.

Snapshot 2: Neimatou and I giggled as we enjoyed a quiet afternoon of coloring and talking about who knows what (though, it likely involved how much I should try to visit her home country, as that was often a topic of conversation). It was mid-January of last year in Togo, and she had invited me to come to the room she was renting while she recovered from her last chemotherapy treatment before her journey to the rehab center where she would receive her leg prosthesis. The time passed way too quickly that day, but the stillness, sunshine, and budding relationship that turned into a long-distance friendship were priceless.

Snapshot 3: My sweet patient greeted me with her usual cheerfulness as I entered her room to let her know how much the Lord loved her. This was several weeks ago, and this patient whom I had known since her cancer diagnosis last year let me come in and chat toward the end of my shift.  In the past she has made me laugh more times than I can count with stories of her family, but this time she brought me to tears. Her question of "how did Jesus show love to us while He was on the earth?" led to multiple sweet conversations about the Savior. Our conversations and prayer together have continued up to the present, in the midst of her weakened state and transition to hospice care.

Pastor Leake and Neimatou went to be with Jesus last month, after journeying with cancer.  The countless memories with a man so influential in my salvation and growth as a believer, in addition to memories of being licked by him in all things competitive, from a 2.5 mile race to board games, bring heartache. Heavy feelings come with memories of Neimatou as well- conversations, texts, and voice messages with one who went from being my osteosarcoma patient to my 19-year old sister in Christ. And when another close patient's body fails, it does not matter how many cancer patients I've gotten close to and said goodbye to in the past. It always just plain hurts. I hate cancer and am saddened by the effects of it, but am overwhelmed by rejoicing when snapshot 4 comes to mind. 

Snapshot 4: For the clearest picture, read Revelation 5. A paraphrase just doesn't do it justice. But the thought of such a magnitude of people and creatures and creation worshipping Jesus floors me, and brings so much joy! Our church got to ponder this future reality on Easter Sunday, and the picture of Jesus' victory has remained in my mind since then. It reminds me that I can praise Jesus, who both knows the deepest sorrow and is always worthy of the highest honor as the supreme King and Victor over sin, death, and all the ugliness that accompanies them. Furthermore, I get to look forward to seeing people I dearly miss and experience the joys of eternity in Jesus' presence with them.  This snapshot gives me a deeper love for what I do as a nurse, motivates me in making Jesus known, and gives me peace in pursuing this journey to Togo, in God's timing. 

As you consider your own snapshots and sorrows, may God give you much joy and peace in the eternal realities that exist now and are yet to come!

In Christ,


Prayer Requests/Updates

  • Pray for Neimatou's family, for them to know the hope and comfort that only the Lord can provide
  • Pray for Pastor Leake's family and our church
  • Pray for a smooth oral surgery for me on Thursday (last one!) 
  • Pray for Muslims in Togo and around the world as this week marks the beginning of Ramadan
  • Continue to pray for the low water situation at the Hospital of Hope in Togo and for perseverance and wisdom in the midst of it
  • Praise the Lord for the continuing journey to Togo- Lord willing, I'll depart for language school in Switzerland by October of this year, then on to Togo around May of 2022!
  • Pray for our family and our foster baby, R, as the time nears for her to return to her Momma
  • Praise God for a good semester of school that will finish at the end of next week!


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