Seasons with the Savior

        "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” - Matthew 28:19-20

     Happy Independence Day! I pray you all are having a lovely summer.  The past few months have been quite full and extremely sweet. God has definitely blessed this season with treasured times with family and friends, which become increasingly precious with the approaching anticipated departure for language school in October!

        So much of life and ministry, both here and especially in Togolese culture, is based upon relationships. Relationships with neighbors, co-workers and their families, the ladies at the market, the mechanic, and the list goes on. This can be an exciting reality as one seeks to live out her relationship with Jesus before curious eyes and walk alongside brothers and sisters in Christ. This truth can also be quite convicting when those around you actually get to know you and have the opportunity to see your sin, weaknesses, and reliance upon God's daily grace and help.  

        This has definitely been a season in which God has brought many new relationships into my life and strengthened pre-existing ones, and I am often blown away by them! We have learned to walk through grief, joy, difficult questions, and just daily life together, battling sin and praying for God's kingdom purposes to be accomplished. Each relationship has been a joy and will lead to all the more tears when it is time to say "see you later." Relationships in language school and in Togo are some of the things that I most look forward to as I consider the future. Memories of past relationships in Togo run frequently through my mind, and I can only imagine what relationships God will start, continue, and deepen as I travel again.  A huge desire of my heart and a prayer request is that God would deepen my understanding of His word, so that in each relationship the truth is spoken and the Gospel is communicated with actions that align with what I share.

        Some of you have asked about how it has been starting to prepare for all the "see you laters." I'm sure I won't have a full idea of how it goes until I go, but I can speak from past goodbyes.  Each time a major "season change" has occurred in my life or the life of my family, in the midst of the tears, God has used the time to remind me that only He can truly satisfy, and He is more than enough for me. His call to share the truth with others and His daily presence helps to quiet a heart that loves deep relationships and isn't fond of the transition to long-distance friendships.  His identity as Redeemer and Refuge will never change, so I can go with confidence and peace in Him. "See you laters" hurt, but I do look forward all the more to future reunions to which goodbyes lead. And ultimately, I am excited for the opportunity to hide away in the Savior whom I can trust as the seasons change.

Praises and Prayer Requests

  • Praise God my Swiss Visa application for language school is under review at the Embassy! Pray for God to provide my visa in His perfect timing
  • Praise God I'm at 98.5% of my monthly support and have my clearances from ABWE! Once I have permission from my regional director, I will be able to purchase plane tickets for language school
  • Praise the Lord for relationships with coworkers, friends and family, they are a great joy! Pray that God would bless our times and conversations together
  • Praise God for His steadfast love through this dental process. Pray for the final steps in late August-mid September, and for a flexible heart through the completion of this process so close to my departure to language school (the plan is to fly out the first or second week of October)
  • Praise God for our foster baby R's reunion with her mom; they are doing well!
  • Praise the Lord for the ongoing ministry at the Hospital of Hope and the surrounding regions; pray for the church groups and Bible studies regularly occurring, that God would continue to use His word to transform lives
  • Pray for the Togolese as malaria cases rise with rainy season, that God would work through illness and death to make known His redeeming love 


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