
 "For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly.  For one will scarcely die for a righteous person- though perhaps for a good person one would dare even to die- but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." -Romans 5:6-8 

    Regarder is a word that has come up a lot recently, in a plethora of contexts. This word, meaning "to watch" or "to look at," can be expressed in the imperative with excitement by my 7-year old friend when he wants to show me his slingshot techniques. My sister in Christ Hermine often uses this word to point out the beauty of the Alps from her balcony or the colors of one of her blooming tulips, allowing us to share a moment thanking God for His beautiful creation.  I have even used this word as a verb by accident in a text message to my family in explaining a movie night.  Their chuckles over my seemingly poetic phrase "I regarded a film last night " were quite deserved. Yet, on a deeper level, the English word regard, in terms of the things that I admire most and thus prioritize, will be especially important in the months to come. 

    Would you believe that only 2 months remain for my time here in Switzerland? I have started booking plane tickets, thinking about my arrival in Togo following a short trip to the US, reviewing medical concepts and terms in French (while praying God helps me remember how to be a nurse again :P),  and in general, preparing for the round of goodbyes that approaches.  Yet all the while, my prayer is that the Lord would help my gaze to remain on the present with my everyday relationships and responsibilities.  

    Yet more than that, the desire of my heart is that my ultimate focus would rest on Christ. It has been a joy to both listen to a message from my home church about our hope and to read in the gospel of John about Jesus' constant obedience to the Father and of His perfect love for His followers. Can you imagine such a love that led Him to the cross? The love with which He taught His followers how to love and sent the Holy Spirit to help them do so after His resurrection? A love with which He joyfully awaits the moment where His own will see His full glory? Praise God we don't have to only imagine, because this is our reality, impossible to comprehend as it is right now.  

    Thus, as we seek to regard our perfect Savior with more and more admiration, it is also my desire that God would use our lips and grow our obedience to call others to repentance, belief, and worship, that they may behold and know Him as their Savior too. Below are pictures and prayer requests! You all remain in my prayers as well!           


Snow shoe outing before the snow starts to melt! Lovely company, and lovely weather!
Snowshoe outing with friends before the snow starts to melt! 

If only this was my grade on the French test I took at school that morning! We are now in B2, getting into the nitty gritty. While I love the level of conversations we get to have in class now, such as the definition of one's identity, the degree of detail can give my brain quite the workout!  The test pictured above was given by my "teacher" and friend pictured below

Times with my 9 year-old friend and her family are one of the highlights of my week

Mountains!! I could stare at them all day!!!!!!! These are from an outing in the Alps a few weekends ago

  • Praise the Lord for the French journey thus far and for the progress made
  • Praise God for the opportunities for Bible studies and sharing the Gospel in Mango. He remains faithful in His work there!
  • Please continue to pray for the endurance of the team in Togo and for God to send medical providers to help
  • Please pray for an obedient heart and for boldness in speaking the truth and love of Christ to my neighbors and teachers here in Switzerland with the time that remains
  • Pray for this season as Easter approaches, that we would regard Christ with awe, worship Him wholeheartedly, and tell others about His greatness


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