La Pluie

 "I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth. He who plants and he who waters are one, and each will receive his wages according to his labor." - 1 Corinthians 3:6-8

    If you were to come on a walk with me near my house, you'd likely see puddles on the road from the recent pluie (rain). You'd observe goats scrambling, donkey's braying, cows parading by, and plants poking their heads out of the soil in the fields. The air can often be humid, the mosquitos abundant, and the mornings cooler after an overnight shower. Conversations at work can center on how planting rice is different than sowing seed for corn. My friends educated me on the fact that both general and selective herbicides exist, which blew my mind!  How do they do that, single out the pesky weeds and leave the crops alive?! (As you can tell, I am not a gardener or farmer at all, so pardon my naiveite).  We are in the midst of rainy season, which brings those with malaria to our hospital, growth for plants, and squishy wet sneakers when their owner poorly plans her path home from work. 

    The rain and growing crops provides a good reminder for me as I consider our friends here in Togo.  God has been so kind to establish and continue relationships here, and I am excited to keep seeing how He will work. Yet one thing I must remember is that it is the Lord who provides the rain, it is He who protects beloved ones from illness and death, and it is He who brings salvation and spiritual growth according to His timeline.  For the latter, it can be so easy for me to think, 'But God, they seem so kind and open. They'd make great Christians!' But I have no idea who God is going to save, and unless God transforms the heart, nothing is going to change. Who am I to know in whom or how the change will come, anyway?  It is a privilege to share about our good God with those who don't know Him, to proclaim the Gospel, and to study the Bible with others. It is a delight to pray for them more and more. It is a necessity to pray for God to work in my own heart, rooting out sin and helping me repent of it so I can grow in Christ and not be a hindrance on my team or source of stumbling to those to whom I want to be a good witness.  But in the end, God is sovereign over the soul, and we need to leave them in His hands-His good, faithful, and incredibly patient hands. 

Yes, another cute baby. They are plentiful here! This cutie is one our team took care of. She is one of many whom God brought to our hospital for treatment for malaria. She was able to go home a few days later! Keep praying for our kiddos during this season

    This gives no excuse to stop serving! By no means! Keep sharing, loving, speaking God's word, and challenging false ideas. But I need to remember my role versus God's role. I can't fret over what will happen, and I can't persuade another person into the kingdom. The Lord will continue to direct relationships and give opportunities to talk about Him. But He alone can and will do a miraculous work in the heart of the hearer, according to His plan from the beginning of time. 

    Life updates! Work is going well, by God's grace. I am enjoying the challenge of caring for babies, children and adults, and learning from my team how to grow in providing the best care we can.  God has continued to encourage our hearts during malaria season, He is so kind. Last week one man with an advanced infection and leg amputation heard the Gospel of Jesus and why our good works and prayers are not enough to render us just before a perfect God. He received a Bible to read. Please pray that his pain and sickness will not get in the way of him reading and learning more. Pray God would save him and his family.

    Another update is this cutie in the photo below.  Ahad was born 11 months ago with a heart defect that, humanly speaking, only a surgery can possibly correct, though there is no guarantee of survival even with the operation. We are currently in the process of trying to get him to the US for surgical treatment at a hospital in Florida. Praise the Lord that God has spared his life until now and that we are at the point of getting his passport and later his visa. It is a long and unknown road. But friends, please pray that along the way, no matter what comes, his family would see the One true Savior and trust in Him. It has been a treat to get to know this family. Pray that God would transform their hearts even as we seek to care for Ahad's physical one!

Pray for Ahad and his family, that God would preserve him up to and through the surgery, and that God would transform the lives of his parents with the power of His gospel. His mom let me use the photo I took for this letter and says thank you for your prayers!

    Finally, on the Sundays that I do not work, I have started going to a house group that one my greatly admired brother in Christ and coworker leads. With his family and a small group of others, we are going through the book of Mark, though we paused in  2 Peter to study the character traits that God wants us to grow in. Please pray with me that we would grow spiritually and that God would provide direction for the group. Along with this body of believers, please pray for the churches in the villages around Mango, that God would raise up more leaders and direct each church as they grow in understanding and applying the word of God.

Some of the precious ones in the Bible club I have been doing with the family of former hospital patients. They are intent on their coloring pages in this photo :) Today was the lesson from the Bible of the entrance of sin into the world. Please pray for clear communication of God's word and for God to work in the hearts of these dear ones!

    There are so many more stories that I could share, including ones with chickens along for a ride to a house visit, Bible club with adorable kiddos, and patients who we thought had little chance of surviving but whom God spared their lives. But the main thought I'll leave you with is from Psalm 148. Please read it! Let us keep praying that God's name be praised, from the heavens, the earth, the animals, the weather, and all of creation. May God continue to receive the glory from what He has made and from those who He has called to Himself. 

Anyone want to guess what is going on in this photo? It involved a house visit, a friend, and yes, you're seeing that correctly, a chicken. Don't worry, he is alive in the photo and didn't ride upside down the whole way. I just needed a way to get Rudy to the hospital compound to pick up my friend, who carried him the rest of the way. We made it to our friends house for the visit and back. Well, the chicken didn't. He...uh...stayed for supper. 

Thank you so much for reading and praying. Our God is awesome, always! Praying for you all and looking forward to hearing how He is working in, encouraging, and sustaining you!
~Theresa G.


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