A Good Day

"I need Thee, O I need Thee; Every hour I need Thee! O bless me now, my Savior, I come to Thee -Annie S. Hawks, "I Need Thee Every Hour"

" Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths." - Proverbs 3:5-6

  Let me ask you a question: What is the definition of a "good day?" A relaxing one with few worries? A day free of children complaining, or at least one with less complaining than normal? A day where you have a skip in your step and a happy ditty in your head without really knowing why? With the last couple weeks being a bit bizarre, I have found myself asking the same question. What characterizes a “good day?" In a place where your schedule for the day can change in seconds, and it takes a while to accomplish tasks, I have since left the word “productive” far behind from being part of my "good day" definition. The health of my patient has also dropped out of the concept. Though I smile when they are doing well, babies are gaining weight, and individuals don’t need an ICU bed anymore, one deteriorating patient can wipe that warm feeling away faster than you can say “Togo!” Thus, here is one illustration of what a "good day" now means for me:

    Getting an IV in someone can be quite a feat. Successfully putting said IV in when it is a wriggling newborn who has already had several is even more so. Thus, when my baby’s IV stopped working, I sighed and went to grab the IV supplies basket, tried, failed, and went to get a coworker who is one of the many IV experts here.  After an attempt or two, he sighed and started praying, giving the situation to the Lord.  A few minutes later and the IV was in. The day was full and I left with some patients doing better and others faring the same or worse. But my coworker’s action of humility and dependence made for a good day.

A few weeks ago we celebrated Ahad's first birthday! Praise God for sustaining him thus far!

    Even as I write this rough draft, I am rumbling up the road with Ahad, one of our heart kids, and his mom after a visit to the commissioner's office two hours away. We’re at the point of applying for their passports so they can request their visas and go to the States for his heart operation. Time is of the essence with Ahad’s condition. Yet in the passport process today, the website wasn’t working. When we arrived, they told us it was unsure if we’d complete the paperwork that day due to online issues. I asked a friend in the States to pray and went before my Heavenly Father myself. Not one minute after, the website started working! They said I brought luck to their system, but I told them how great our God is! They started talking about what happened when I prayed.  A couple hours later, we thought the process was almost done and we’d be leaving with two finished passport applications, but the officials discovered an error on one of the documents that puts a delay in Ahad's mom's passport. Frustrating? Yes. But it is still a good day, because this is my new definition:

A good day is marked by dependence on the Lord who will never stop working according to His great name.

    Even if we don’t get the IV we prayed about, I lose my phone or feel out of sorts, or discover a delay in obtaining a passport that causes us to wonder if Ahad's health will hold out until his trip to the U.S., the fact that we can rest in God and know He will continue to show His glory makes for a good day. Our God is sooo good.

These twins had a long hospital stay but recently went home! Praise the Lord for new life!

Prayer Requests:

Continue to pray for one of our surgeons who was in an accident recently and the other individual in the accident with him. Both are in the healing process, and are doing better, but it will take time to heal completely. Praise God for protecting them from further harm!

Pray for our coworker and brother in Christ who lost his 6month old daughter

Praise the Lord for the process of Ahad’s paperwork thus far. An update is that Sekina was able to reapply for her passport and now both her and Ahad's passports should be ready within the week, Lord willing! Praise God for Ahad's state of health up to this point! Pray for the upcoming trip to FL where he will have his surgery, that God would continue bring all the details together in His timing. Finally, pray for rich Gospel conversations with Ahad's family along the way!

Pray for new team members arriving and existing members returning from furlough, for a smooth adjustment and clarity in ministry priorities

Praise the Lord for our believing coworkers who have had opportunities to share the gospel recently. Pray for more opportunities and for boldness

Pray for the weekly Bible study with the kids, that God would work in their hearts as they learn more of His word

Praise God for two of the individuals connected with the hospital who recently openly confessed Christ as Savior. He is mighty to save!

Bible lessons and games with this bunch remains a highlight of the week! Keep praying for lesson preparation and for God to work in all of our hearts as we learn together


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