At a Walk

"I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace." - Ephesians 4:1-3

A smile crosses my face as I pop in my earbuds, queue up my workout playlist, and start at a fast-jogging pace along the red dirt road. Although my pace slows as I round the first bend to settle in for a steady trot for most of my run, my enthusiasm does not diminish in the least.  Blame it on my dad for passing it on to me, but I caught the runner's bug in high school and haven't seem to have recovered from it yet. I love a good run, especially the challenge of a sprint at the end.  

The first season of life in Togo has felt like an energizing run, with a sprint in the middle of September through October in accompanying Ahad with Sekina to the states for his potential heart surgery. Many of you have heard the stories of that adventure and I thank you so very much for carrying this family in prayer through the journey.  For those who didn't hear (I'm sorry for the lapse in communication), Little Man passed away on November 25th in the States. Sekina, his mom, was able to come home to Togo within the week, and our friendship has continued to be a huge blessing from the whole situation. I thank the Lord frequently for my friend.  One highlight from the many difficult conversations and events surrounding Ahad's journey involved a zoom meeting with Sekina, Issa, the medical team in the states, and his care team here, where our Togolese chaplain got to share in French a little bit about children being a gift from the Lord and how, even in this situation, we pray that God gets the glory. Friends, you had better believe the interpreter on the states-side translated every word for the American medical team to hear.  We have no idea why God took little Ahad and may not understand why there is now a dear friend in Togo who joins the many whose homes seem a lot emptier because of loss, but we can see that God is still at work, and we can know that He is good.

Little Man's life was short, but the testimonies through His story will not quickly fade

Around Christmas time, life felt more of a steady jogging or even walking pace, as the hospital census went down, praise the Lord!  The season was sweet, celebrating the birth of the Savior with friends and family in Christ. Like everyone else on the team here, on most days I feel back at a run, although for six weeks I have a friend from college who is along for the run with me! It has been so sweet to have her visit, serve together, make new memories, and remember God's past faithfulness. 

So thankful for sweet friends from the US who ventured out to visit and serve!

The pace at the hospital slowed for a good bit around Christmas time, giving a nice break before continuing to go through seasons of busyness.  However, God continues to support our team with His grace and endurance.

As the hospital's nursing school has entered its second half of the program, the team is excited to see the students continue to put their knowledge into practice! One day per month I have the privilege of getting to serve as a clinical instructor with them. Please pray for clear thought and communication and safe practice in the hospital as we learn together! Pray for the student's hearts as God continues to use His word in their lives, and for the teachers and leaders at the nursing school as they faithfully come alongside them. 

The verse from above from Ephesians 4 served as the passage of study during one of the first church services of the new year.  This chapter was so appropriate for this season, as the church prays about which direction to take this year in terms of ministry and evangelism opportunities and as each of us evaluates our walk with the Lord.  Please pray that God would help us to indeed walk in a manner worthy, and that, in the church and in our lives, God would be glorified in our worship and the ministry that comes from our awe of Him. 

This is what happens when your little friends from church ask to carry your motorcycle helmets for you after service... Please pray for the church, for evangelism and discipleship opportunities that God has given the congregation. 

The idea of walking worthy of our calling, specifically in humility, is a good reminder, as I consider a few recent situations.  I'll use pictures to describe a couple of them. 

N is the heart surgery candidate I have been getting to know and will travel to the states with next month, Lord willing, for his operation. Please pray for humility and wisdom as the team comes alongside this family. Pray that God's word would reach and transform their lives. Please pray for N as he goes through this scary new experience

Please pray for this little guy who has had a long, rough road of failure to thrive. Praise the Lord that at his last check-up he gained more weight than is expected! God is sooo kind! Pray for his family to take care of him well, and for opportunities to share His Word with them. Pray for wisdom and humility to come alongside them, giving support to the family and helping them take responsibility for the child while remembering God's sovereignty

As the running path stretches on, with its points of challenge and ease, may God get the glory from each of our lives as He continues to mold us after Christ. Thank you so much for reading this update and for praying alongside me. Praying for all of you and am so grateful for how God is helping you walk in a manner worthy of your calling. Don't grow weary in serving Him!

Much Love,


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